Picking the right consulting firm can be challenging. You want a firm that has experience, industry knowledge, and, of course, innovative ideas.
We have acquired vast experience in the area of organisational audits, corporate evaluations and change management in very complex political and social environments where resistance to change is very high. We have worked and are still working in countries such as:
Albania, Algeria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Cape Verde, D. R. of Congo, Republic of Congo, Egypt, France, Guinea, Haiti, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Macedonia, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Nigeria, Palestinian Authority, Republic of Congo, Republic of Georgia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, United States, and many others.
We have developed our international reputation for quality work by effectively assembling and managing strong multi-disciplinary teams of professionals.
We worked in:
Tel : + 1 514 994 3467