Experience and Expertise
Our practice philosophy
We are very focused on things that count
We believe SGGROUP Consultants presents the following distinctive advantages:
  • The implication of highly experienced professionals, including specialists in the evaluation of organizations and facilitation of change management processes;
  • A high degree of expertise in organizational development adapted to strategic objectives and existing constraints in managing the complexities and diversities;
  • Leading-edge concepts, methodologies and tools designed and proven when applied in highly complex organizations and projects; and
  • Immediate availability of tested tools and planning processes, which will yield in a shorter time frame and for, reduced costs high quality operational systems that maximize the transfer of expertise.

Our philosophy is to adapt or combine our approaches, methodologies, and tools to address our clients’ particular concerns.
For instance, a survey of employee perceptions done through the “What are Our People’s Perceptions” (WOPP™) instrument can be added to the “Program for Initiating Vast Organizational Transition” (PIVOT™) to sharpen the findings and set priorities for action and increase the chances for success by gaining employee involvement in acting on the survey results.

The increasingly complex international assignements and very divers environments are best served by bringing together experts with specialized practice knowledge working as a unified team. This belief has enabled SGGROUP INC. to become one of the most trusted firms in the areas where we work.

In all of our projects, we focus on:

  • Close communication with our client throughout the process;
  • Providing participation for all stakeholders; and
  • Training of client staff for ongoing operation of programs.
  • The success of these engagements is measured by our clients’ pride of ownership in the improvements achieved.
       Organizational Performance Enhancement
  • Organizational Audits
  • Structured Productivity Analysis System (SPANS)
  • Benchmarking

       Change Management

  • Program for Initiating Vast Organizational Transition (PIVOT™)
  • E mployee Quality Improvement Program (EQUIP™
  • What are Our People’s Perceptions (WOPP™)
       Human Resources Management
  • Human Resources Management Diagnostic Review (HRMDR)
  • Career and Succession Planning
  • Performance Management
  • Remuneration Strategy
  • Position Evaluation System
  • Remuneration Surveys
  • Cash Compensation and Incentive Plans
       Training & Development
  • Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
  • Training Master Plan for Key Functions

Tel : + 1 514 994 3467